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The RV storage shortage crisis is only getting worse.
According to the fall quarterly forecast prepared by ITR Economics for the RV Industry Association, over 350,000 new RV wholesale shipments are projected in 2024. ( 10/2023)
This $140B industry represents a huge opportunity as the need for more RV storage is required to support this continued growth.
The problem is that developing a new RV storage facility is a difficult, expensive, and slow process. From locating land, obtaining entitlements, creating development plans, obtaining permits, securing financing, managing construction schedules, to finally opening can take a few years and run up significant holding and development costs. Then you still need to fill it up, which can take anywhere from 12-24 months. So you’re looking at a 36-48-month timeframe to go from zero to hero. Although it’s well worth it in the long run, the capital demands and timeframe make it challenging to scale.
Institutional buyers are starting to take notice of this emerging market and they want a piece of it.
To compound the demand, institutional buyers have discovered the simple genius of RV Storage and they want in on the action. So, you have demand from RV owners looking for a place to store their rigs on one side, and you have cashed up institutional buyers for your facility on the other side. It’s a perfect storm.
However, institutional buyers only want fully occupied, cash-producing facilities that they can add to their ever-growing portfolio. No fixer-uppers. Their end game is to create a sizable REIT and possibly take it public. They pay handsomely for these assets, buying as low as a sub-5% CAP rate.

But what if you could create more spaces in half the time AND cover the development and holding costs?

We have a potential deal pipeline of over $300M of existing, cash-flowing RV Storage facilities that have room for expansion. Most of these are mom-and-pop “fixer-upper” businesses that are undermanaged or neglected and have more value-add opportunities than just expanding.

By acquiring these facilities and essentially “plugging” our processes in, we can nearly double the facility value within 24-36 months. This cuts out the time-consuming process of obtaining entitlements, permits, inspections, financing, and rent. Plus, the holding costs are covered by the existing cash flow. It’s a win-win.

This is done with a combination of increasing the number of spaces, implementing automation, applying marketing efforts, optimizing rates, and adding a tenant insurance program. For every $1000/mo we add to the bottom line, the value of the facility is boosted by $200k on average.